Tag Archives: Charity

2015 Miami Children’s 5k Run/Walk

For its 3rd year now, Team Nick Diaz came together on behalf of the Nicolas Diaz Foundation and participated in the 5th Annual Miami Children’s Health Foundation 5K Race/Walk event. Team Nick pledged to raise $1,500.00 and we are pleased to announce that we surpassed our goal and raised a total of $1,800.00 for this great cause.

We are extremely happy and THANKFUL to all of Team Nick’s members who came out today to the event and to all the supporters of Team Nick who generously made donations supporting the team. We could have not done this without you and your support. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!

Thank you for supporting Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and the Miami Children’s Health Foundation in their efforts to provide quality care for the children. Most importantly, thank you for continuing to support the Nicolas Diaz Foundation as we continue to keep our promise to our Angel Nick to give back to our community and bring children’s cancer awareness across the nation. ‪#‎IAMNICKSTRONG‬‪#‎GOGOLDFORKIDS


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Bone Marrow Drive for Aksel

The bone marrow drive for Aksel (http://www.saveaksel.com ) was a rainy one but thanks to some very nice customers of Frankie’s Pizza we registered 12 new people to the National Bone Marrow Registry. This counts as a success in my book.

A big Thank you to Frankie’s Pizza for allowing us to use your space and supporting this worthy cause.






First Annual Nicolas Diaz Foundation Memorial Event

Thank you to all who came out today for our first event in honor of Nick. The event was a resounding success. We were able to get 34 blood donations as well as 38 people joined their names into the national bone marrow registry. We also collected $850 in donations at the event. That makes is a little bit closer to our goal of buying and installing Nintendo Wii console in all the rooms of the Cancer Floor at Miami Childrens Hospital. Thank you all again and God Bless you all.
