All posts by admin

Bone Marrow Drive for Aksel

The bone marrow drive for Aksel ( ) was a rainy one but thanks to some very nice customers of Frankie’s Pizza we registered 12 new people to the National Bone Marrow Registry. This counts as a success in my book.

A big Thank you to Frankie’s Pizza for allowing us to use your space and supporting this worthy cause.






Cure Search Miami Walk

 We would like to thank all of our friends, family and supporters for making today so memorable. Team Nick Diaz pledged to raise $1500 for cancer research and I’m happy to report we surpassed our goal and raised $1550.

Thank you all for remembering Nick. It was an emotional day for us as we remembered the children lost and launched balloons for them today. We saw too many balloons in the sky. Too many babies that didn’t go home to their mom’s and dad’s. We can all make a difference. Every little bit counts. Your continued support means the world to us and so many others.

Thank you all and God Bless you.


First Annual Nicolas Diaz Foundation Memorial Event

Thank you to all who came out today for our first event in honor of Nick. The event was a resounding success. We were able to get 34 blood donations as well as 38 people joined their names into the national bone marrow registry. We also collected $850 in donations at the event. That makes is a little bit closer to our goal of buying and installing Nintendo Wii console in all the rooms of the Cancer Floor at Miami Childrens Hospital. Thank you all again and God Bless you all.
